If you are one of those people who just crave for fast food meals, you should not feel bad for yourself. There is nothing bad in eating fast food meals occasionally. However, it is pretty bad if you don’t leave out certain meals which may badly affect your overall health. According to most studies, if you eat certain foods, it is not long before fat gets accumulated in the blood vessels. In fact, repeated consumption of these foods can lead to diabetes, heart trouble and of course, obesity. Certain fast food meals have a high-calorie content with more sodium and fat. In this article, we will tell you about 10 worst fast food meals you can have.
Arby’s Roast Turkey & Swiss
Although this meal sounds healthy, it is
not. Supersize slabs of bread give you 725 calories in an instant.
Moreover, you also get 8 grams saturated fat and about a full day’s
supply of sodium. In case you are too tempted, it is better to order
this meal without mayo. In fact, sharing one half with someone else will
be a far better option.
Subway’s Footlong Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki
Most people are fooled by Subway’s health
halo. Make sure you are not one of them. This sandwich gives 9 grams
fat with around 800 calories. Furthermore, you will get over 2,000 mg of
sodium. The maximum intake of sodium by an adult should not be more
than 2,300 calories. With this fast-food meal, you will be on the brink
of crossing that line.
Cinnabon’s Caramel Pecanbon
This fast food meal gives you 141 grams
carbs, 1,100 calories, 56 grams fat and 8 grams protein. This treat from
Cinnabon is a dangerous trick to cause many different health problems.
It will be better if you could steer clear of this snack. Eating this
meal regularly can cause obesity and health problems.
McDonald’s Filet-o-Fish
Eating fish is usually a healthier
choice. But it is not in this case. Filet-o-Fish contains 18 grams
saturated fat and 380 calories. If you just can’t resist, don’t ask for
tartar sauce or mayonnaise. One tablespoon of each can give you 100
calories, which will add up fast.
Burger King’s Tendercrisp Chicken Sandwich
This sandwich gives you 46 grams fat and
800 calories. In fact, there can be nothing worse than adding a side or
soda, as it will give you more than a full day’s share of fat and
calories in just one sitting. Also, you will not find a single healthy
fruit or vegetable in this sandwich.
Taco Bell’s Volcano Nachos
With such a name, there is nothing wrong
with expecting the worse. This fast food meal can easily give you 62
grams fat, 1,000 calories and 1,930 mg of sodium. In other words, these
nachos can be called a ‘nutritional disaster’. However, they also have
16 grams fiber, which is just one benefit among numerous drawbacks. Your
body will be unable to do much with fiber when it’s fighting against so
much fat and calories.
Domino’s Chicken Carbonara Breadbowl Pasta
This meal basically contains
hollowed-out pizza dough stuffed with noodles, cheese and cream.
One-third of the calories in this Pasta come from saturated fat while
two-thirds come from refined carbohydrates. This does not leave any room
for fiber and protein. Just three slices of this meal will give you
around 900 calories.
KFC’s Half Spicy Crispy Chicken
Half deep-fried chicken is already bad
news. A bigger problem is that you get the bottom half in this meal. Two
thighs and two drumsticks are nothing more, but dark meat. These cuts
are the cheapest and fattiest. Just one meal can provide you with about
85% of your daily need of calories, sodium and fat. With two meals, you
will be way past that.
You should always try to avoid foods
which are named as per their over sized versions. A Large Triple Whopper
is packed with 80 grams fat and 1,200 calories. In fact, if you add a
side to your order, you add 600 more calories. On the other hand,
calorie count is raised to 2,200 calories if you add a Coke too. If you
eat this meal once a week for an year, you will easily add more than 30
pounds to your weight.
Quiznos’ Tuna Melt
This tuna is dipped in a sea of mayo. If
you eat this sandwich, it is actually equivalent to eating a whole pack
of chips in one go. Even if you order this sandwich without chips, it
will give you 27 grams fat and 1,460 calories. Health wise, this can be
called the worst sandwich in the country.
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