The food
market offers thousands of various products. Nowadays people are
becoming more and more aware of what is on their plates. The list below
includes the top 7 species of contaminated fish none of us should eat.
Have a look at what may do harm to your health.
1. Albacore Tuna or Tuna Steaks
Not all species of tuna are dangerous to eat. This is why it is not always easy to keep trash of it unless you are an expert. Albacore Tuna is, for example, a variety of tuna that you can consume from time to time. Do not exceed 6 oz. of tuna a week though.
Not all species of tuna are dangerous to eat. This is why it is not always easy to keep trash of it unless you are an expert. Albacore Tuna is, for example, a variety of tuna that you can consume from time to time. Do not exceed 6 oz. of tuna a week though.
2. Chilean Sea Bass
Chilean sea bass are fish that has been hunted to extinction. However, this is not the only negative fact. Another bad thing is that this species is contaminated, because the levels of mercury in bass is higher than it should be. If you see this species of fish for sale, it is then probably a different kind of bass with an erroneous tag, or it is illegally caught fish. Actually Greenpeace reported that, Chilean sea bass may become totally extinct within 6 years’ time unless we change our fishing methods.
Chilean sea bass are fish that has been hunted to extinction. However, this is not the only negative fact. Another bad thing is that this species is contaminated, because the levels of mercury in bass is higher than it should be. If you see this species of fish for sale, it is then probably a different kind of bass with an erroneous tag, or it is illegally caught fish. Actually Greenpeace reported that, Chilean sea bass may become totally extinct within 6 years’ time unless we change our fishing methods.

3. Shark
The shark family includes a great many various species. Thresher, Blacktip, Shortfin Mako and Longfin Mako are some of those sold to people. Sharks are very close to the top of the food chain which means that all the other fish that sharks consume leave traces of mercury in their flesh.
The shark family includes a great many various species. Thresher, Blacktip, Shortfin Mako and Longfin Mako are some of those sold to people. Sharks are very close to the top of the food chain which means that all the other fish that sharks consume leave traces of mercury in their flesh.

4. Swordfish
This species is similar to sharks – swordfish also eats other contaminated species since this is their natural diet. Swordfish is widely spread and very popular. This beautiful tropical fish is known to contain some of the highest amounts of mercury. Swordfish are a large edible species that also contains methyl mercury, a very aggressive neurotoxin, which means that pregnant women should never eat the fish so as not to damage the nervous system of the unborn baby.
This species is similar to sharks – swordfish also eats other contaminated species since this is their natural diet. Swordfish is widely spread and very popular. This beautiful tropical fish is known to contain some of the highest amounts of mercury. Swordfish are a large edible species that also contains methyl mercury, a very aggressive neurotoxin, which means that pregnant women should never eat the fish so as not to damage the nervous system of the unborn baby.

5. Spanish Mackerel
Another fish that is related to tuna is Spanish mackerel. This fish is found in shallow waters while tune prefers deep water. Spanish mackerel is a large species caught near the shoreline. The location makes mackerel poisonous, since coastal rivers flow into the ocean bringing mercury.
Another fish that is related to tuna is Spanish mackerel. This fish is found in shallow waters while tune prefers deep water. Spanish mackerel is a large species caught near the shoreline. The location makes mackerel poisonous, since coastal rivers flow into the ocean bringing mercury.

6. Atlantic Cod
Do some research before purchasing fish. Find out more information about the differences between fish caught in the Atlantic and fish caught in the Pacific. Atlantic code has recently been added to the list of contaminated fish. The National Fisheries Services has carried out a chronic mismanagement and concluded that Atlantic code is packed with mercury. The species has also been included in the list of endangered species. We recommend you should eat Pacific cod – this species is not as contaminated as its Atlantic cousin. Besides, it can still be abundantly caught.
Do some research before purchasing fish. Find out more information about the differences between fish caught in the Atlantic and fish caught in the Pacific. Atlantic code has recently been added to the list of contaminated fish. The National Fisheries Services has carried out a chronic mismanagement and concluded that Atlantic code is packed with mercury. The species has also been included in the list of endangered species. We recommend you should eat Pacific cod – this species is not as contaminated as its Atlantic cousin. Besides, it can still be abundantly caught.

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