We are often guilty of believing that we
are a picture of fine health as we have no real signs that anything
untoward is going on inside our body. However, this does not have to be
true as there are actually a number of indications that we tend to
ignore that are actually telling us that something is not right. Failure
to pay attention to them will of course tend to lead to things getting
worse, so what follows are 7 signs you are unhealthy in the hope that
they may stop further problems from occurring.
1. You find that your lips crack.
It may sound like something that just
happens due to the weather, but cracked lips, especially at the corners,
can actually show that you have
a vitamin B12 deficiency. A lack of
this vitamin in your system can lead to health issues such as anaemia
and it will affect your blood, so look at either buying a supplement to
boost the levels, eat foods that are high in it, or consult your doctor
to get a special injection that really will make a difference to your
health.2. You are not as tall as you used to be.
This may sound strange, but as we get
older there is a tendency for us to shrink, but the rate at which this
happens can indicate that there is some kind of issue with our bones and
in particular with us developing osteoporosis. The problem with this
bone disease is that it then means we are more likely to fracture a bone
when we fall or develop curvature of the spine, so early diagnosis will
allow you to make changes to your diet that can stop it from
progressively getting worse.
If you seem to be more prone to picking up colds it may indicate that you need to boost your immune system or there may be some kind of issue with it. You may be lacking in Vitamin C or there could even be a virus attacking it that you are unaware of, so get a blood test carried out that can check if there is anything to be concerned about and try to improve your general health to give it that natural boost.
4. Your urine is too yellow.
It is important that you pay attention
to the color of your urine as this can actually be a fantastic indicator
about your general health. If you are hydrated your urine should be
almost clear, but if you are drinking enough and it is still a dark
yellow it may indicate that there is an issue with your kidneys and the
waste is not being processed correctly. Look at upping your fluid intake
and see if it helps, but only drink water, and if it stays the same get
your kidney function checked.
5. Your skin acts up continuously.
If you find that you develop acne,
eczema, or any other skin disorder on a regular basis then it can mean
more than you are simply not taking care of the skin or using the
correct products. Instead, it could be the result of an allergic
reaction or it may be your body telling you that it is stressed and
needs you to slow down. Your skin is the biggest single organ in your
body, so listen to what it is telling you as your body often uses it to
put out a cry for help and it offers up signs that all is not well and
you are not as healthy as you thought you were.
6. You are not sleeping like normal.
If you find that your sleep pattern is
disturbed and you are suffering from some form of insomnia it does tend
to point towards your body and mind being too stressed. When we sleep,
our body is supposed to lower the amount of cortisol coursing through
it, but when we are stressed this does not happen and we are thrown out
of sync. When this happens our body struggles to repair itself and
recharge its batteries leading to us gradually being run down and when
this happens we can pick up all kinds of illnesses due to our immune
system not operating at full capacity.
7. You are tired, but sleep enough.
If you are getting more than enough
sleep, but still find that you are tired in the afternoon, then it may
indicate that there is a problem with your thyroid. The problem here is
that your adrenal glands are being exhausted leading to your body using
up all of its energy early on without it being replaced in the proper
manner. This problem can then lead to your body being run down as it is
working so hard trying to protect you from the different kinds of toxins
that you can pick up during the day from the environment as well as
things you are doing. When this happens it leaves you open to other
potential health problems, so get your thyroid checked.
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