Fruits form an important part of healthy diet. They are rich in vitamins, fibre, minerals and are low in sodium, cholesterol.
Among fruits, Pineapple has got its uniqueness. It belongs to the family
Bromeliaceae. It is a primary source of vitamin C, sodium, potassium
and manganese. Additionally it also contains vitamin B1, vitamin B6,
copper, folate and dietary fiber. Pineapple juice has a vibrant taste
and contains an enzyme Bromelain, rich in medicinal values.
Let us focus on health benefits of pineapples:
· Nausea:
Pineapples provide relief from nausea and vomiting sensations in morning sickness or motion sickness.
· Cold:
Drinking fresh pineapple juice will heal sore throat and cough caused
from cold. Gives relief from congestion and body pains associated with
· Catarrh:
Pineapple is highly recommended for the treatment of Catarrh.
· Healthy gums:
You often take care of your teeth while you neglect your gums. Gums and
teeth are equally important. So eat pineapple to strengthen your gums.
· Cancer:
Bromelain interferes with the growth of tumor. Anti-oxidants in
pineapples fight against free radicals preventing damaged cells and
· Atherosclerosis:
Pineapples are rich in anti-oxidants. These anti-oxidants prevent
oxidation carried by free radicals. Additionally pineapple also contains
coumarin that is highly useful in cleaning the arterial deposits.
· Heart diseases:
Pineapple rich in antioxidants, fibres, potassium, sodium, manganese
helps in boosting cardiovascular health .They keep free radicals away
and lower cholesterol levels.
· Immunity:
Pineapple contains Vitamin C, which plays a vital for the proper function of the immune system.
· Macular degeneration:
Macular degeneration damages retina and eventually cause loss of sight.
This condition is generally found in adults which make them difficult
to read and do daily activities. Pineapples contain beta-carotene, which
helps in keeping your eyes sight strong.
· Bronchitis:
Pineapple is used to treat respiratory problems like Bronchitis.
Bromelain has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. It helps
in reducing inflammation in bronchial tubes and kills infection causing
· Blood pressure:
Effective in minimizing the risk of hypertension. Pineapple contains
sodium, magnesium and potassium that improves blood circulation and
regulates blood pressure.
· Intestinal worms:
Pineapple is rich in acids and enzymes, which helps in digesting and
killing parasites. It helps alimentary tract from getting rid of
intestinal worms.
· Bones strength:
Manganese, a trace mineral is used to build strong bones and connective
tissue. The manganese present in pineapple juice attributes for Bones
· Digestion:
Pineapple juice aids in digestion. It contains an enzyme bromelain, a
protein-digesting enzyme. Bromelain along with Vitamin C and fibers
promotes digestion.
· Sinusitis, sore throat, gout, swellings:
Bromelain in Pineapple acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. It reduces swelling in Sinusitis, sore throat, gout.
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